Supporting Wrexham AFC
Rules and Constitution
1. TITLE: The title of the organization shall be “MOLD & DISTRICT REDS”; hereinafter referred to as the Association.
2. AIMS: The aims of the association shall be
i. To generate finances which will enable the Association to participate in sponsorship activities to the benefit of Wrexham AFC and the Supporter’s Trust ii. To promote assistance, information, guidance, and encouragement to all those interested in Wrexham AFC within Mold & District
iii. To promote the awareness of Wrexham FC within the area and to encourage its further development.
3. MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be open to persons interested in all aspects of Wrexham AFC. The committee reserve the right to refuse membership without giving reasons. On joining the Association all members shall pay an annual subscription. The committee shall be responsible for proposing any alterations to the annual subscription. Any such proposal shall be made at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and must be passed by a majority of those members present at the AGM and voting. The committee reserves the right to call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time, subject to fourteen days’ notice, to propose any changes to the annual subscription if it is considered necessary. Agreement of any such proposals shall be by a majority of those present and voting.
Annual subscriptions shall be due on 1st August, with a period of grace of up to 1st November. Member(s) who have not paid by will be deemed to have lapsed from the membership. Subject to the discretion of the committee, lapsed members may rejoin upon immediate payment of all subscription arrears. The current membership costs (2022/23) will be as follows:
ADULTS: £5 JUNIORS (Under 16) / OAP: £2.50
FAMILY: £10 (Family membership is 2 Adults and up to 3 Children)
All members shall be provided with a copy of the Rules and Constitution and shall be informed of any changes thereto (see para.7). Acceptance of membership shall be taken as evidence that the applicant agrees to abide by the Rules and Constitution of the Association.
If it is in the interest of the Association that a member be asked to resign, the member should be informed in writing and allowed four weeks to make any representations. If, on consideration of any explanation – or in its absence within the time limit – the committee decide that the membership shall cease the said member will be informed in writing. Any member guilty of misconduct whilst attending a football match will be expelled immediately from the Association. In that event no right will exist to the refund of any paid subscriptions. The membership card should also be surrendered to the principal officers of the Association.
The Association shall not be responsible for any loss or injury, however sustained by any member or visitor participating in any of its activities. All persons taking part in the activities of the Association will be held to have accepted this condition, and responsibility for acquainting visitors with it remains with the member(s) inviting them.
Members’ names, addresses, and telephone numbers are held by the secretary on a manual register for administration.
4. MANAGEMENT: The management of the Association shall be vested in a committee comprising the following elected members:
i. Chairperson
ii. Secretary
iii. Treasurer The Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer shall constitute the Principal Officers of the Association. Ordinary members may be co-opted to the committee as and when required. Members of the committee shall serve for one year. They may continue in office for a further period in the absence of any other nominations. If other nominations are received an election shall be held at the Annual General Meeting, only those members present being allowed to vote. Nominations of members wishing to stand for office, (and notification of those wishing to stand down) must be lodged with the secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
The quorum for a Business meeting shall be three members, this figure to include at least one Principal Officer. Ten days’ notice should be given of the intention to call a Business meeting.
An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year for the purpose of conducting the business of the Association. Notification of the date, place, and time of the meeting shall be given in writing. Any resolutions must be forwarded to the secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting. Emergency resolutions may be accepted up to the start of the meeting at the discretion of the Chairperson.
5. FINANCE: The Treasurer shall be a person who has the appropriate professional qualifications or experience to undertake the duties. A Book Account shall be opened with a recognised Bank or Building Society. The signatories of the account shall be any three of the Association’s committee members, one of which must be the Treasurer. The Treasurer is responsible for the funds of the Association and shall keep books and records as are necessary to give a true account of the Association’s finances. The Treasurer shall produce an income and expenditure schedule of the Association’s account for the Annual General Meeting. Members appointed to conduct financial activities on behalf of the Association are to maintain proper records and to present them to the Treasurer on a regular basis, along with any cash collected. They are also to conduct their activities in accordance with any guidelines met by the committee. Authority for any single item of expenditure in excess of £100 can be obtained only by a ballot of all members present at the following General Meeting.
6. ASSOCIATION PROPERTY: The use of the Association’s name and/or logo is to be confined to the following situations: -i. Exhibitions and Meetings of the Association or of other clubs or Societies where the Association is taking part.
ii. Any purposes specifically authorised by the committee of the Association. All property owned by the Association is to be included in the Balance Sheet submitted at the Annual General Meeting.
7. ALTERATIONS TO THE CONSTITUTION. The Constitution of the Association shall not be amended except by a Special Resolution passed at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened specifically for that purpose. In the case of the latter, at least fifty per cent of the total membership must be present and voting. Notification of any proposed amendment will be made to all members in writing.
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